Pop up food stalls are an integral part of festival life. The larger the festival the wider the choice. You can find food offerings from every continent with an ever- increasing eclectic mix of fayre to tantalise your taste buds. Usually by the time you get to the front of the queue, you and your pals are more than ready for it!

Burgers, pizzas, wraps, curry and of course, if you’re in the UK, fish and chips, are pretty much par for the course with a few artisan versions thrown in for good measure. Trend watchers often use the larger festivals to view ‘what’s hot and what’s not’.

That can be anything from clothing and wellies through to glamping, body art and food and beverage.

Festivals have seldom been slow to try something new and the mobile catering vans were quick to capitalise on the growing vegan culture. Whilst festival catering may have been trail blazing vegan alternatives for some time now, surely it has been given a massive seal of approval by the recent Oscars after-party, ‘The Governor’s Ball’. A large part of the menu served was vegan created by the noted American/Austrian chef Wolfgang Puck.

So, whatever your preference in cuisine is, pop up food stalls are as an integral part of the festival experience as waving your wristbands and mobile phone in the air to your favourite anthem.

Bon Appetit!