Privacy Policy


This privacy policy sets out how JC Leisure Connexions Ltd (we) use, store, protect and dispose of any information you give us when you use our website.

We are committed to protecting your privacy. Any personally identifying information you give us through the site (such as your name and address) will only be used in line with this policy.

We may need to change this policy from time to time and we’ll make sure any changes are updated here on our site. Please re-visit this page from time to time to make sure you’re still happy with any changes we may have made.

This policy is effective from 13 March 2019.

What information we may collect

We may collect the following information from you:
• Your name and job title
• Your contact information including your phone number, address and email address
• Other information relevant to customer surveys and/or promotional offers

What we do with the information we collect

We gather this information so that we can better understand your needs and provide you with a high quality of customer service and website visitor experience. We may use it to:

• Keep accurate internal customer and enquiry details
• Improve our products and services
• Send occasional promotional emails to the address you give us about new products, offers or other information which we believe you would find                    interesting if you’ve opted in to receiving these.
• Contact you occasionally for market research and customer satisfaction survey purposes.
• Improve or personalise our website design and functionality to provide you with a better browsing experience.

Data Security

We’re committed to keeping your information secure. To prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures in place.

How we use cookies

A cookie is a small data file which our website will ask to place on your computer’s hard drive when you visit our site. Most sites use these to make sure you have a smooth browsing experience. For example, they’re essential if you want a site to remember you have added things to your basket once you navigate away from the page you’re on.

Cookies also help us understand and analyse how visitors use our website. This information is anonymous traffic data and shows us overall trends in how people find and use our site, the pages that are most popular and which pages are the most common for people to decide to leave our site.

All of this helps us make changes to our site which will lead to a smoother customer experience.

You can refuse to accept cookies, but you’ll find that this causes problems with the site. For example if you want to add items to your basket and then continue browsing other products before checking out as a cookie would be needed to remember you had added this data.

Links to other websites
From time to time, our website may contain links to other websites of interest such as suppliers, manufacturers or couriers. We would provide such links in good faith, but have no control over third party websites; we can’t be held responsible for any issues which arise from using those sites. Please be cautious and check the privacy statements of any websites you visit.

Controlling your personal information

You can let us know how you want and don’t want us to use your personal information.

• Whenever you are asked to fill in a form on the website, there will be an option to opt in to our marketing communications indicating your permission for us to contact you in this way. You can change your mind and unsubscribe from our messages at any time
• If you’ve agreed to us using your personal information for direct marketing in the past, or given us permission to send you information about third parties we think you may find interesting, you can change your mind at any time by writing to us or emailing us at

We will never sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission, have to by law (such as for police fraud detection and prevention investigations), or because the third parties are acting on our behalf to deliver a service to you such as a courier who would need a contact phone number to provide you with order tracking.

Subject Data Access Request

Under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2016, you can ask us for a copy of all the personal information we hold about you at any time.

Under the law, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable admin fee to provide this to you. If you would like a copy of the information we hold about you, please write to JC Leisure Connexions Ltd, Unit 1 Hamburg Technology Park, Hamburg Road, Sutton Fields, Hull, HU7 0WD.

If you believe any of the information we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete, please contact us by email or in writing at the above address as soon as possible. We will update any incorrect information or delete it if needed.

Data Disposal

If you ask us to delete you from our records and not make any further contact, we will securely and permanently remove all data we hold about you from our customer and any other operational databases we use and use confidential waste to dispose of any hard copy records.

However, please be aware that we will need to keep your details on a suppression file. If we ever decided to purchase a data list, we would check this against our suppression file to make sure we didn’t contact you again in line with your wishes.

Forensics Cookie Placement

The Lead Forensics cookie, is a small text file that is stored on the browser or hard drive of a computer or
mobile device when someone visits your website.
Cookies are widely used to make websites more efficient for users and to provide insight to the website
The Lead Forensics cookie structure and operation is standard, and has the purpose of:
1) Providing you, the website operator with more granular insight with regard to how your website
visitors use and navigate around your website
2) Allow you, the website operator to know when you have a returning visitor to your website
3) Enable you, the website operator to provide a richer, more personalised experience for your returning
website visitors
When using any sort of cookie on a website, the business operating the website must allow visitors to the
website, the option of accepting or declining the use of cookies. They must also inform the website visitor
what cookies are being used and why. This is usually carried out in the form of a banner or small pop up box at
the point of entry to the website, informing the website visitor that cookies are being used, offering an accept
or decline option and providing a link to read more about the cookies used on a separate section of the
Cookies are commonplace and most websites use at least one cookie already. It is therefore anticipated that
most organisations will already have a cookie policy available on their website, as well as the option to accept
or decline cookies.
If further guidance is required with regard to cookies, the guidelines around the use of cookies and how to
write a cookie policy, please visit the ICO website for further information –
Upon using Lead Forensics, the below wording should be added to the website cookie policy, to inform visitors
to the website of the Lead Forensics cookie, and how it is used:
Method of
Purpose Type Expiry
_lfuuid Consent Banner
The _lfuuid cookie allows a website
to track visitor behavior on the sites
on which the cookie is installed.
Tracking is performed anonymously
until a user identifies himself by
submitting a form.
Third Party
10 years
Version Control:


We will acknowledge all written complaints about our data protection (including any received by post or email) within 7 business days. If we need more time to investigate your complaint, we will let you know who is looking after your complaint and when we aim to respond to you fully.

If you’re not satisfied with our handling of your complaint about data protection, you can lodge a formal complaint with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). You can find out more about their service and procedures on their website at

Named person responsible for data protection

Name:  Gill Cain
Job title:  Director
Contact Details:  JC Leisure Connexions Ltd,  Unit 1, Hamburg Technology Park, Hamburg Road, Sutton Fields, Hull. HU7 0WD